101 St Martin's offers a fully refurbished, fitted and furnished 3rd floor as well as a newly remodelled reception designed by Barr Gazetas.
101 St. Martin's Lane WC2N 4AZ
Name | sq ft | sq m | Availability |
3rd | 7,916 | 735.42 | Available |
New Landlord fit out with 58 desks in open plan, 2 offices and 5 meeting rooms, Remodelled architect designed reception, 4 pipe fan coil air conditioning, Raised floors, Demised WCs, 7 showers, 54 cycle space and 65 lockers, New ground floor collaboration Zones, 2 Bookable meeting rooms, Manned reception, 3x Passenger Lifts
Size: 7,916 sq ft
Rent: £87.50 per sq ft
Service Charge: £20.17 per sq ft
Business Rates: £36.55 per sq ft Est.